Day 27

Day 27 is a passport/journal holder. Comes with a nice Muji journal, but will fit a moleskin kraft notebook and/or a passport with room to clip a pen in as well. Made from scrap leather.
Available for $27 in the shop.

Welcome. Corter Leather is a super-small, one man operation. Every product is 100% hand made by maker Eric Heins in a small apartment studio in Boston, Massachusetts. Each piece is designed in house, cut by memory, hand punched, and hand sewn. Templates are never made, so no two pieces perfectly alike.
Custom Orders Due to overwhelming demand of stock items, Corter Leather is not able to take custom orders as of 5.20.2011.
For available stock, please visit the shop.
Contact Information
Email response time can take 1-2 weeks due to workload. If your email can be answered in the FAQ's, it will not be responded to (so check them first!) For the fastest response to small questions, please use Twitter (or Facebook, but that is checked less frequently). Those are the quickest ways to contact me!
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